Welcome to thebestqms.com
Why are we called thebestqms? Because we believe we offer the most comprehensive range of publications and services related to ISO 9001:2015 there is.
We author a range of publications offered trough Routledge. Click HERE to see our up to date publications. We regularly update our books with 'new editions' so that you have the most up to date regulatory information.
Why manage quality?
The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) have carried out extensive research on this point and advised that the effective management of 'quality' not only creates value for an organisation and its stakeholders but also manages its exposure to risk and can make the difference between success and failure.
It is widely accepted that ISO Accreditation can lead to:
Higher levels of customer satisfaction
Reduced operating costs
Improved stakeholder relationships
Improved levels of legal compliance
Improved risk management
What’s more, by having ISO certification, it demonstrates proven business credentials and increases your ability to win more business.
What is a QMS
Quality Management Systems (QMS) provide companies with a framework and a set of principles that ensure a common sense approach to the management of the business activities to consistently achieve customer satisfaction.
7 Guiding Principles
With the new ISO 9001:2015 comes a change from 8 guiding principles to a more manageable 7! these are:
Customer focus
Engagement of people
Process approach
Evidence based decision making
Relationship Management
A QMS helps to define how you: establish; implement; measure; analyse; maintain and improve what you do in order to deliver a consistent quality product
Click HERE to read our Seven Principles of quality
FREE Checklist
ISO 9001:2015 Audit Procedures
FREE checklist for those how have purchased our book
Click HERE
Need help converting to ISO 9001:2015?
Are you wanting to convert to ISO 9001:2015 but do not know where to start?
Our step by step guide to converting to ISO 9001:2015 is available to download for anyone who has purchased one of our books
Click HERE